Early Bird Discount is Running out

Today and tomorrow are the final days you can get a discount for subscribing to our Eyeoper Refereecamp. As you might have read before: For the sixth time the International Eastercup in Moabit Berlin will host a refereeclinic and just like in previous years Bob Bhania wil highlight the staff. The tournament and the clinic take place from April 6th to April 10nd 2023. Officiatingscool.nl will take care of organising the event in cooperation with the Lions from Moabit. Please consider this article the invitation. Lees verder “Early Bird Discount is Running out”

New Rules 2022 (Video)

We’re almost halfway the season so most people will be aware of the changes that were made to the rules of our sport. That doesn’t mean we should not share the excellent video Referee University made about the rulechanges with you. Down below the excellent work they’ve put up. Watch and learn and be ready to get better! Lees verder “New Rules 2022 (Video)”


For the sixth time the International Eastercup in Moabit Berlin will host a refereeclinic and just like in previous years Bob Bhania wil highlight the staff. The tournament and the clinic take place from April 6th to April 10nd 2023. Officiatingscool.nl will take care of organising the event in cooperation with the Lions from Moabit. Some of you all (and thats not all of you!) will have received the invitation in their e-mails. If you did not, please consider this article the invitation.  Lees verder “SUBSCRIPTIONS HAVE OPENED!”

Subscriptions open tomorrow

As we have been working on a lot of things yesterday there’s good news.  Tomorrow we will open subscriptions for next years #Eyeopenercamp24
We will post the invitation on our website, and do have a collection of e-mail addresses that we can send it to. If you want the invitation on a silver plate drop us a line at info@officiatingscool.nl or a DM on Instagram/Facebook and we’ll offer you the plate.
Later on we will introduce the members of our coaching staff. So update your bookmarks.

Lees verder “Subscriptions open tomorrow”

Counting down to opening subscriptions

In the upcoming days we will open the subscriptions for 2023 Eyeopener Camp. After some corona induced absences in the past years Officiatingscool.nl will return to Berlin for the 6th edition of their international referee clinic. One thing is for sure: Bob Bhania will once again lead the coaching staff that will feature some interesting names.
Lees verder “Counting down to opening subscriptions”

Everything can be prepared: Communication

After a preseason game before the season I drove home, musing about the things I could have answered in the situations where players and coaches were verbally displaying their disagreement with my calls. One of our coaches always says ‘Everything can be prepared’. He most certainly is right. Lees verder “Everything can be prepared: Communication”

OBRI Updated!

A certain amount of our followers has reached out about the lack of updates. The case is not alarming as it could have been: a new job that started on November first has brought a new calendar for the week, so we are looking to find a place for everything, but it could take us some time.
The document down below is too important not to share: A new edition of the Official Basketball Rules and Interpretations (OBRI, for those of you who never saw that abbreviation before) and you can find it down below. Changes are in yellow and as you can see: effective immediately!!
Lees verder “OBRI Updated!”

Last in Mens europecup

Dutch referee ace Tijmen Last was in Germany yesterday for his first appearance in Fibas Europecup. Brose Bamberg had to leave the victory to Golden Eagle Ylli who ended up winning 78-81. Last was accompanied by Blaz Zupancic from Slovenia and Juozas Barkauskas from Lithuania. The game can be found down below. Lees verder “Last in Mens europecup”

Are we calling a violation?

When taking on a big task, such as officiating a basketballgame, it’s important we do the simple things right. Violations often get neglected, and that’s a terrible waste of opportunities that can get you and your teammates with the whistle on the right wave in the game. Check out the play below and let’s see if we have a backcourt violation yes or no?
Lees verder “Are we calling a violation?”

Behind Euroleague scenes

This year the career of Mister Luigi Lamonica came to an end after the final whistle in the final of Europes highest league the Turkish Airlines Euroleague.
A great document was made about the referee crew that did the game. They talk about what officiating means to them and the impact it has on their lives. Worth watching much! Lees verder “Behind Euroleague scenes”