Interference, goaltending or no call?

Really don’t know how you , our respected followers react, but any time I hear players, coaches and fans shout ‘Goaltending’ and ‘interference’ at the same time, I smile and think: I love my job!
Goaltending and interference are two different violations as we know off course. In the following clip one of them occurs. Or not. What do you call in this situation?? A goaltending violation? An interference?? Or a no call because all you see is legal play??
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AOS or not?

A player getting fouled in the act of shooting merits two freethrows as we all know. Or one if he makes the shot. (And yes, a foul on a threepointer is 3 shots or a bonus if he makes it, we know).
Check out the following clip. And share your stance on what the ref is signalling: He says its not the act of shooting. Do you agree? and if so: Why? if not.. why?
Lees verder “AOS or not?”

To blow or not to blow?

To me it’s one of the biggest skils a referee can have in his or her arsenal. The ability to correctly decide: did the contact I saw merit a blow in my whistle yes or no. Off course: illegal contact deserves to be called, as we are here to maintain the rules. But on the other hand (you didn’t see that coming did you?) if the contact is incidental and not influencing the play you can decide to not blow your whistle. That being said, check the clip down below and let’s hear your argumentation and call. Looking forward to all the well argumented answers.
Lees verder “To blow or not to blow?”

Player down, now what?

Whenever a player goes down on the court the refereeteam has to decide: What did just happen, was it following a breach of the rules, and is the player okay enough to let play continue or is immediate medical attention required.
That being said we have a nice clip we want to share with you. As always: not just looking for the answer, but more so the reasoning behind it. Lees verder “Player down, now what?”