Always a pleasure when that happens

In my own games I not seldomly say to myself: wish I had IRS. Out of bounds situations are sometimes more difficult than calling a foul or a violation. For instance: check this clip and let’s see what’s your decision. Got any tips for the crew to handle situations like this?

And be honest guys and girls: Do you talk about out of bounds situations in your pregame? Lees verder “Always a pleasure when that happens”

What a year!

Happy New Year!

No less than 174566 hits, (compared to 112912 hits  in 2020 and 77501 the year before) were recorded on this website.  We were able to put 300 posts on instagram with no less than 20376 likes. A little less than last year because of our personal editorial lockdown. The IG account had 1466 followers, witch is a nice rise from last year’s 1296 followers on new years eve. We’re curious to see what will happen in 2021. Thank you al so much for being part of the community and spreading the vibe. Lees verder “What a year!”

What do you have ? -16-

To blow your whistle or to not blow your whistle. We shared some clips with you guys before, and it’s nice to see most of the time people are getting close to agreeing on the play. So please share with us your views in the comments or on the different fora. Our instagram and facebook are open too if you want to exchange thoughts with us. Lees verder “What do you have ? -16-“

What do you have? -15-

As we all know small occasions can have huge impact on the outcome of the game. A simple out of bounds play might give one team momentum, and steal it from the other with immense consequences. Check the play in the game and let’s see what we come up with in doing things differently in our game. And don’t be scared, we won’t ask you for proof on tape 😉 Lees verder “What do you have? -15-“

Nominations for Worldcup Qualifying Tournament in Japan

As per the FIBA has nominated a crew for the upcoming qualification tournaments for Worldcup Women 2022. In february the tournament in Japan will see the following refs take the court. Lees verder “Nominations for Worldcup Qualifying Tournament in Japan”

What do you have? -14-

You need to go where you got to go, to see what you have to see. It’s a little bit of our motto for it states that it’s not really that big of a deal where you are, but you have to be in a right spot to see what you have to see. Because it’s our job to see what is happening and apply the rules accordingly.
Bring in the clip down below: it’s a nice situation where you can have all kinds of calls. Please share with us what you think is the case and more importantly: WHY you think your call is the best call possible.
Lees verder “What do you have? -14-“