OQT Nominations february 11th

After celebrating his birthday in Sopron Straube will take court again today

It’s the final day of OQT’s all around the globe and that will mean we’ve got some decisions taking place today. Courtside 1891 has the streams, and the battle between Spain and Hungary has birthdayboy Carsten Straube who celebrated on saturday. Here’s the rest of the nominations. Lees verder “OQT Nominations february 11th”

OQT Nominations February 10th

Urushima will be part of the crew for New Zealand – Puerto Rico

Four games today for the OQT’s that are taking place and after the games so far we’ve seen some clear decisions as to who will be in Paris. Todays games are in China and Bresil, so get your subscription details for Courtside1891 out and check on the games. Here are your nominations. Lees verder “OQT Nominations February 10th”

OQT Sopron Nominations February 9th

Todays matchups in Sopron will reveal who’s in for Paris2024 and who is not as far as it comes to the participants. But will the refs get to know more as well? Julio Anaye , with two worldcup finals in the past two seasons seems to be a strong candidate. He’s in for the second game of the day. Lees verder “OQT Sopron Nominations February 9th”