MU16 division A Nominations August 14th

As the B division has a day off, there’s another day of action in Greece for division A. You know the drills: youtube and your favorite website about officiating will get you the most interesting games to learn. Not only about where to go or where to look in 3po, but also: How do we sell our calls, and let’s be honest: a travel is still a travel, regardless of the number of eyes that are following the action. Lees verder “MU16 division A Nominations August 14th”

WU18 division B Nominations August 10th

It is semifinal day in Ploiesti and that means big games ahead. Noteworthy that two Ukrainian refs have been nominated crew chiefs for the semifinals, but also Rea Car (Austria) who is working her first tournament has been called up for the semifinal of today. Youtube has the streams, and down below are the games. Lees verder “WU18 division B Nominations August 10th”